Herbs for Diabetes

Diabetes is a dangerous disease because it can cause complications in other organs, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure and nerve damage. For better and healthy life, we need to treat the body and try to keep blood sugar levels to avoid this disease.

In addition to medically since ancient times many natural herbs actually used to treat diabetes. Scientific research has confirmed the effectiveness of some certain herbs to overcome diabetes. Here are some herbs that have been believed to help cure diabetes.

1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a kind of grain crops are widely grown in Asia and is often used by people of India as a spice in food flavoring. These plants have the ability to control blood glucose levels and has been widely used to control diabetes.

Fenugreek lowers resistance to insulin and control blood glucose levels by increasing the number of insulin receptors in red blood cells. This will increase glucose utilization in peripheral tissues, thereby reducing the levels of glucose in the blood. However Fenugreek should not be used by pregnant or lactating women

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is often regarded as a ‘healing herb’. Dried aloe vera sap and gel (inner leaf) is used traditionally to treat diabetes because it is believed to help reduce levels of fasting blood glucose and HbA1c ..

3. Cinnamon

This plant makes fat cells more accessible to insulin and increase the conversion of glucose into energy. It also inhibits the formation of harmful free radicals.

4. Onion

Garlic can significantly lower blood sugar. Garlic extract reduces blood sugar levels during oral and intravenous glucose tolerance. Onions affect the hepatic metabolism of glucose and increases insulin release, thus preventing destruction of insulin.

5. Garlic

Garlic is regarded as the best herb to lower blood sugar as well as repair cells of the pancreas and stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin. It has been proven in many studies, but unfortunately there are still many who do not use it.

6. Basil

Studies have shown that basil has a positive effect on glucose after meals and during fasting. This herb can facilitate the process of insulin secretion.

7. Mango leaves

Mango leaves are known as effective drugs in diabetes. The trick, simply by soaking the leaves of mango in a cup of water overnight. After that, drain the leaves out and drink the water. This helps to relieve the symptoms of diabetes.

8.Ginseng Asia

Asian ginseng is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes. This plant has a direct effect in lowering the sugar, increase the release of insulin from the pancreas and increase the number of insulin receptors.



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More Danger, Smoking in the Morning

Smoking in the morning, especially accompanied by a cup of coffee, has become a ritual that hard to break. However, these habits seem to need to be stopped from smoking at the beginning of the day is more dangerous than smoking on the day or night.

Research shows that smoking after waking up would increase the risk of lung cancer, neck and head.

Smokers morning to have high levels of nicotine and other toxins from tobacco in his body. They are also more addicted than smokers who refrained from smoking a half hour or so after waking up.

To find out why some smokers get cancer and not, Muscat and his team examined the link between cancer risk is there with the habit of first cigarette in the morning.

The first study involved 4775 patients with lung cancer and 2835 of other smokers without lung cancer. Those who smoke 30 minutes after waking up 1.79 times higher risk of suffering from lung cancer than those who waited more than 60 minutes.

Meanwhile, those who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up had 1.31 times the risk compared to those who wait at least an hour.

The second study involved 1055 people with brain and neck cancer and 795 people who smoked but did not suffer brain and neck cancer. Those who smoked within 30 minutes when you wake up 1.59 times the risk of brain and neck cancer compared with those who waited an hour.

The risk of smokers who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up 1.42 times than those who wait at least an hour.

Researchers say the findings could help identify smokers who are at very high risk of lung cancer, brain, and neck as well as benefit from a targeted smoking cessation programs.

Nevertheless, the risk of cancer remains high in those who still continue smoking regardless of the time





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10 Food / Beverages That Improve Quality of Sleep

Eating the right foods for a while before the rest can help you more quickly sleepy and even improve your sleep quality.
Try to choose the type of food and drinks below to make you sleep better. However, it must be remembered, avoid eating two hours before going to bed so that your digestive system has enough time to process the food perfectly.

1. Almonds

Almonds contain magnesium which helps you sleep and muscle relaxation. Also, almonds have additional benefits, which provide protein that helps maintain stable blood sugar levels while you sleep. These beans also make you drowsy by turning off the cycle of adrenaline that reminds you to rest.

2. Miso soup
Miso contains amino acids that can increase the production of melatonin, a natural hormone that can help you drowsy. Research shows that hot liquids, like soups and teas, relieve flu symptoms, help you fall asleep easily

3. Green tea
Avoid caffeine at night is one of the keys so you can easily fall asleep. However, many drinks without caffeine that helps you fast asleep. Drinking chamomile tea and green tea is a good choice for this problem. Green tea contains theanine which can help you sleep easy.
4. Banana
Eating a banana before bed can improve yor quality of sleep. Bananas are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium, which helps your muscles relax. Bananas also contain tryptophan which is converted into serotonin and melatonin are useful calming brain hormone. Banana juice mixed with a cup of milk before bed may make you drowsy.

5. Milk
Yogurt, milk, and cheese contain tryptophan and has nutrients that make you fall asleep. The effect of calcium is to reduce stress and stabilization of the brain. It means taking your favorite yogurt before bed can not only help you sleep, but also helps you stop worrying about odd things.

6. Oatmeal
You usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, but try a bowl of warm oatmeal will helps you get more rest. Oatmeal is a magnesium warm, soft, soothing, easy to prepare, inexpensive, and nutritious. Oatmeal is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and silicon are known to support the bed. But do not choose oatmeal with sweetener (sugar). Eating too much sugar before sleep cause effects that are not good. The experts recommend using a topping of fruit, like bananas.

7. High-protein snack
If you have trouble sleeping at night, it could be because you do not eat foods high in protein before bed. Or, maybe you choose the menu are foods high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, like cookies and candy. Simple carbohydrates can make blood sugar soaring and decreases dramatically as you sleep so you can wake up at 2 or 3 am. Try to choose foods rich in protein, such as boiled eggs, cheese, or nuts, so that you sleep more soundly.

8. Soybean
Soy contains phytoestrogens which are very helpful, especially for women already in menopause, controlling complaints discomfort at night and helps you fall asleep. Light snacks, such as edamame with salt levels are low, may be an option.

9. Cherries
Apparently a glass of cherry juice is one effective way to fall asleep faster. Cherries, especially tart cherries type, naturally increases the body’s supply of melatonin, which helps people with insomnia.

10. Cereals
We need not feel guilty because of the small bowl of cereal before bed, especially low-sugar cereals, grains. Cereals are a healthy snack and may help to fall asleep. Foods rich in complex carbohydrates provide a tryptophan in the bloodstream which increases the stimulating effect of sleep. Make a bowl of cereal with a sprinkling of dried cherries for extra help you fall asleep faster.

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Ginger, More Than Drinks and Drugs

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) has long been known. Although it can not be known with certainty where this plant came from, but until now few countries such as Indonesia, China, Malaysia, India and Sierra Leone cultivate.

With its irregular, ginger is a plant that turned out to be a mixture of drugs and have benefits for the body especially the red ginger because it can provide a sense of bitter and spicy higher.

General efficacy of ginger is increase appetite and warm the body, so that people quickly feel refreshed after taking ginger. Additionally, ginger plants assessed potent against Colds.

Colds scientifically is a symptom of the weakening of the immune system so the body’s defense faltered. The relationship between the weakening of the immune system and confidence in drinking ginger has attracted the attention of many researchers. The results of scientific research regarding the efficacy of ginger have been started in the published since 20 years ago.

Ginger contains various phenolic compounds that can be extracted with organic solvents and produce oil called oloeresin. Oloeresin ginger is widely available in phenolic compounds, such as gingerol and shogaol that have high antioxidant activity than the antioxidant activity of vitamin E.

Culinary use Fresh ginger rhizome.

Young ginger rhizomes are juicy and fleshy with a very mild taste. They are often pickled in vinegar or sherry as a snack or just cooked as an ingredient in many dishes. They can also be steeped in boiling water to make ginger tea, to which honey is often added; sliced orange or lemon fruit may also be added. Ginger can also be made into candy.

Mature ginger roots are fibrous and nearly dry. The juice from old ginger roots is extremely potent and is often used as a spice in Indian recipes, and is a quintessential ingredient of Chinese, Japanese and many South Asian cuisines for flavoring dishes such as seafood or goat meat and vegetarian cuisine.

Ginger acts as a useful food preservative.

Fresh ginger can be substituted for ground ginger at a ratio of 6 to 1, although the flavors of fresh and dried ginger are somewhat different. Powdered dry ginger root is typically used as a flavoring for recipes such as gingerbread, cookies, crackers and cakes, ginger ale, and ginger beer.

Candied ginger is the root cooked in sugar until soft, and is a type of confectionery..

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Trying to Become Vegetarian

Amid the many types of food today, which is dominated by food category of junk food, one healthy life choices adopted or chosen some people are living as a vegetarian lifestyle. A vegetarian option is considered capable of raising the quality of life and health. However the problem is, Is that as easy as changing to a vegetarian diet?

As a lifestyle / diet favorites to try, vegetarians are not the only path to healthy living. But worth a try, despite having to wrestle first with some obstacles will be encountered during migration to a vegetarian, even many who have failed. Intention round and strong determination is to be capital, but gradual change it is advisable to health experts. For example, do not eat red meat, but still eating chicken and fish.

Another option becomes severe if the vegetarian is trying to be semi-vegetarian, which is to avoid eating meat but still eat fish, milk and eggs, until eventually sustained a vegan or eat only vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts . In order for a diet in accordance with the needs of our bodies, should live consultation with a nutritionist.

Currently mushrooming of restaurants that serve vegetarian dishes are very indulgent of the vegan, because it can mnyajikan cuisine and food with flavors such as meat / fish / eggs but actually comes from the vegetarian staple food. Also easy to find recipes that can be processed their own home, to remain a true vegetarian …

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Do not Save These fruits in the refrigerator

Fresh fruit is most delicious when eaten hot weather. But should you choose a type of fruit that will be put into the refrigerator because there are some pieces are even more delicious and nutritious if left at room temperature. What fruit is it?

1. Watermelon

Fruits are rich in water has a content of anti-cancer called lycopene. Interestingly, levels of lycopene in watermelon will rise to 40 percent if left at room temperature. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, dietary amino acid arginine, which can help you lose weight, the fruit will also increase a lot if not stored in the refrigerator. In addition, another advantage of this fruit is that it can serve as “natural Viagra” because it contains citrulline.

2. Tomatoes

The fruit can be consumed in fresh condition, a mixture of spices or salad mix, and juiced it rich in the antioxidant lycopene and vitamins A, C, and K. The more red fruit, the higher content of likopennya. Therefore, it is recommended fruit stored at room temperature and eaten when the fruit matures.

3. Peaches

Store peaches at room temperature without removing the stems to prevent rot. Peaches or peach has a high content of fiber, vitamins A and C, niacin and potassium and minerals that can increase good cholesterol. Once the fruit is mature, consumption immediately or store in refrigerator. Enjoy the peaches with the skin to get more vitamins, fitokemikal, and fiber.

4. Mango

Fruits are rich in vitamin C should be stored in a basket of fruit, not in the refrigerator, so precocious. Mango fruit also contains natural intestinal enzymes that can help overcome the indigestion.

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Brain Cancer and It’s Characteristics

Brain cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the brain cells, both derived from cells of the brain it self (primary brain cancer) or from other organs that spread to the brain (secondary or metastatic brain cancer). Some types of brain cancer known include glioma, meningioma, pituitary adenoma, vestibular schwannoma, and medulloblastoma.

Unlike other types of cancer, brain cancer rarely spreads to other tissues so that the classification is based only on how fast the growth of cancer cells. Stage I means the cancer cells still appear normal and slow growth, while stage IV means the cancer cells look abnormal and grow very fast.

National Cancer Institute estimates that each year there are 22,000 new cases of brain cancer worldwide. Death rate is quite high, which is about 13,000 per year.


Secondary brain cancer is caused by the growth of cancer cells in other tissues are spread to the brain. Most types of cancer that spread to the brain include breast cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer.

Meanwhile, primary brain cancer is caused by structural changes Nucleid Deoxyribo Acid (DNA) so that the growth is uncontrolled. Trigger changes in DNA are not known for sure, but suspected that many factors affect, among others, radiation, cigarette smoke and certain viral infections.


Growth of brain cancer increased pressure inside the skull, so often elicits feelings of pain in the head. Increasing pressure can also lead to nerve damage and various organs in the head so that bring up the following symptoms.

1. Headache in place or time is not usually

2. Headaches are more frequent or more severe in intensity

3. Nausea and vomiting is not clear why

4. Vision disorders, such as blurred vision or double vision

5. Feet and hands are often numb or hard-driven

6. Difficult balance

7. Easily confused face everyday problems

8. Changes in behavior or personality

9. Convulsions, but had no history of epilepsy

10. Hearing loss.



This type of therapy for brain cancer is very diverse and can be selected based on the type and size of cancer cells.

1. Surgery

Operations performed for cancers that are reachable by surgery and not anywhere near a sensitive part of the brain. Risk of surgery on brain cancer is quite high, ranging from nerve damage that can lead to sensory disorders, and bleeding in the brain that can trigger an infection.

2. Radiation

Types of radiation are often used to treat brain cancer is the X-rays, which were fired from outside. This therapy is often done after surgery to clean up the cancer cells that may remain. Side effects include trigger fatigue, headaches and scalp irritation.

3. Chemotherapy

Complaints most often when using chemotherapeutic drugs are nausea vomiting. Hair loss is also difficult to avoid because the drugs are not specific, only killing cells that are growing relatively quickly include cancer cells and hair cells.

See: http://www.gethealthylife.weebly.com

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Stay Healthy @work : Comfortable Body Positions

You’ll often feel sore around the waist and knees while working in the office. One of the triggers is the wrong sitting position. In fact, on one hand, your posture is influenced from the habit of body position when standing, sleeping and sitting, as well as work.
Many of you spend all day at the office and almost for as long as you sit down, either when using a computer, design a picture or read or prepare reports.
According to research from the British Chiropractic Association, which published the BBC News website, an estimated 32 percent of the total UK population spends more than 10 hours per day on the seat. Half the population do not leave the desk, even at lunch though. Two-thirds go back to spend time on the seat when they got home from work.
If an incorrect sitting position is still being done every work, did not rule out the quality of your health will decrease drastically, especially those associated with the function of bones and joints. In the end, the performance will not be optimal.
Here are some things we can do to help find comfort while sitting all day while working.

1. Sit upright with your back straight and shoulders back. What is the position of the buttocks has touched the back seat? Where have touched the back seat, means the position of your spine curvature is normal.

2. You can lift your body and make the arch back as far as possible within a few seconds. Only then loosen the position it reaches approximately 10 degrees. That’s your best position

3. If you are not yet strong enough to sit normally like that, start by wearing a back support (bolster pillows or small) to keep your spine

4. Symmetric bend your knees to one another with a higher position than the hips. Place both feet in a position parallel to the floor dipijak

5. Create a relaxed situation on your body. Do not forget to switch the view from the front of your computer monitor. Do about five minutes every half hour. This will help relax the muscles and nerves so it’s ready to wear to work again. Also to avoid eye from symptoms of computer radiation

6. To avoid the lack of body fluids remains to consume eight glasses of water every day.

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Behind the benefits of a diet

Hearing the word diet, often thought brought on a diet which aims to achieve a slim body. Though this is not entirely true, as this can be useful to achieve other health goals.
Diet is the arrangement ola and consumption of food and beverages are prohibited, limited in number, modified or allowed to a certain amount for the purpose of illness treatment, health, or weight loss.
It is therefore not surprising, if any heart diet, low-salt diet for people with hypertension, and low-calorie diet for obese patients. Besides, there is also a low-protein diet required by patients with chronic kidney disease, and low-purine diet for gout patients and / or uric acid.
If we want to understand the working principles of our body, we can suppose that as a machine that never stops working. Synergy means working patterns of the various organs and body are interlinked with one another will support every step of our productivity. Therefore we need the fuel for our bodies, in the form of food according to the number of our activities. We also can not be carelessly put food into the body, can inhibit automatic and metabolism, and weakens the immune system. For example, a bad lot from animal foods laden unsaturated fats and high cholesterol.
In the right amount, fat is actually needed by the body as energy or calories, just as important as other nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. Ideally, work in synergy of these nutrient elements will support optimal health, and increase one’s productivity.
As expressed by many health and nutrition experts, it is best to eat a variety of foods to get all the complete and balanced nutrition. But that happens, people will view this concept is often misguided.
Instead of going to consume a varied diet, which is even indiscriminate eating food without nutritional value yangn view in accordance with the needs of the body. This will lead to many health problems and diseases. Like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, hypercolesterolemia, and coronary heart disease.
From this case we are made aware again that setting the proper diet and balanced body was necessary for optimally efficient. Therefore, then, was born the idea that a diet tailored to the needs of everyone. Even dietpun been developed from the tradition of eating or state sector in areas such as the Mediterranean Diet and Diet Okinawa.

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